German Department Princeton

Unser schreibzeug arbeitet mit an unseren gedanken. Friedrich Nietzsche
Our writing tools are also at work on our thoughts. (Friedrich Nietzsche in a letter to his secretary Peter Gast. February 1882)
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The Princeton German Department explores the language, literatures, intellectual history, arts and media of Germany and German-speaking cultures from the Middle Ages to the present. Our highly diverse and distinguished faculty employ the critical tools of multiple disciplines to investigate and appreciate the wide range of German cultural production, its significance for–and reception of–other cultures, and its continued importance for our current historical moment.


Artwork print of houses in cubism style
Spring 2025 Lecture Series

Gender and the Genres of Postwar Memory Culture: Novels of Domestic Decay from Haus ohne Hüter to Altes Land

February 10, 2025
Old tone photo image Susman
Graduate Student Conference

Mysticism & Modernism: The World of Margarete Susman

February 21, 2025
Artwork of 1920's style woman behind wheel of automobile
Spring 2025 Lecture Series

The German “Auto-“. Fiction, Theory, and the Essay in the First-Person Singular

March 31, 2025
Illustrative painting of Lady Danvers pursued by her footmen
Spring 2025 Lecture Series

From Empathy to Resentment: A Short History of Identification

April 14, 2025
East Pyne Hall arch
Graduate Student Workshop

Albrecht Koschorke, Universität Konstanz

April 15, 2025