Contested Assemblage: Remapping the Genealogy of Modern Landscape
Johannes Wankhammer, Devin Fore
Verschollenheit: Figuren der Rechts(un)fähigkeit im Werk Kafkas
Devin Fore, Barbara Nagel
“The Other Among Us: Early Modern German Discourses on Atypical Bodies, 1500-1770”.
Joel B. Lande
Uncommon Realities: Cultural Perspectives on Illusions
Barbara Nagel, Thomas Macho
Large Print, Small Forms: The Birth of German Modernism from the Newspaper
Michael Jennings
“From Authors to Archives: The Amanuenses of the Age of Goethe”
Joel B. Lande, Nikolaus Wegmann
“Phenomenology of Video Games: Space, Time, and Perspective”
Barbara Nagel, Paize Keulemans, Ervin Malakaj
The Fiction of Agency and the Agency of Fiction: Kleist’s Poetics of Action
Michael Jennings
Artistry, Agency, and the Everyday in Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg’s Works
Barbara Nagel
“Mutterherz: Motherhood and Dedifferentiation in German Realism”
Barbara Nagel
On Schicksal: The Return of Tragedy in Modernity
Brigid Doherty, Joseph Vogl
“Die Idylle in der Literatur der deutschen Nachkriegszeit”
Devin Fore
The Economics of Sight: Early Photography and Commodity Capitalism, 1839-1867
Michael Jennings
How to Do Sleep with Words: Sleep Experiments in Literature, Science, and Society, 1899–1929
Michael Jennings, Joseph Vogl
Mathematik ist immer Geist: The Persistence of Mathematical Humanism and Aesthetic Rationality in Postwar Germany
Devin Fore
World Literature in Practice: The Orientalist’s Manuscript between the Ottoman Empire and Germany
Nikolaus Wegmann, Anthony Grafton
Happy Endings: On Affirmative Art, PhD 2020
Nikolaus Wegmann, Inka Mülder-Bach
Concert Halls & Weekly Journals. Fictive Music Criticism in German Romanticism
Joel B. Lande, Inka Mülder-Bach
Touching Temperature: Questions of Measurement and Feeling, 1870–1930
Michael Jennings, Daniel Heller-Roazen
Old Books, New Times: Medieval Manuscripts and German Literature around 1800
Sara S. Poor, Nikolaus Wegmann
Phlogisticated Relations: Lichtenberg and Ritter’s Readings of Chemistry
Joseph Vogl, Michael Gordin
The Science of Expression: Ausdruckskunde and Bodily Knowledge in German Modernist Culture
Michael Jennings, Sigrid Weigel
Readers' Lore. Media, Literature, and the Making of Folk-Lore
Nikolaus Wegmann, Thomas Y. Levin
The Romance of Love and Law: Marriage in Twelfth-Century German Romance
Sara S. Poor
Rough Surfaces The Collage Works of Rolf Dieter Brinkmann
Michael Jennings
Collaborating with the Enemy Wartime Analyses of Nazi Germany
Nikolaus Wegmann, Michael Gordin
Borrowing Werther: The Rise and Regulation of Fan Fiction in Eighteenth-Century Germany
Christiane Frey, Joseph Vogl
Reading as Listening: The Birth of Cultural Acoustics 1764–1803
Nikolaus Wegmann
Scenographies of Perception: Recasting the Sensuous in Hegel, Novalis, Rilke, Proust
Brigid Doherty, Claudia Brodsky
Schools for Seeing: German Photobooks between 1924 and 1937 as Perception Primers and Sites of Knowledge
Michael Jennings, Sigrid Weigel
Stories from Earth Adalbert Stifter and the Poetics of Earth History
Joseph Vogl, Nikolaus Wegmann
Mysticism & Confessional Conflict in Post-Reformation Germany: The Mystical Theology of Valentin Weigel (1533–1588)
Sara S. Poor
Cinema Non Facit Saltus: Early German Film and the Cinematic Psyche
Thomas Y. Levin
Early German Cinema and Dogmatic Jurisprudence
Thomas Y. Levin
Horror Vacui: A Cultural History of Air Around 1900
Michael Jennings, Joseph Vogl
Conceiving Generation: The Novel and the Nuclear Family around 1800
Brigid Doherty, Joseph Vogl
Eschatology and the Reinvention of History: Theological Interventions in German Modernism, 1920–1938
Michael Jennings
Original Compiler: Notation as Textual Practice in Theodor Fontane
Nikolaus Wegmann
Creaturely Lives: Romanticism and the Rhetoric of Natural History
Stanley Corngold
Ineffable Histories: German Mysticism at the Jahrhundertwende
Michael Jennings
Earwitnesses: Noise in German Modernist Writing
Michael Jennings, Daniel Heller-Roazen
Rehabilitationen Roms: Die Römische Antike in Der Deutschen Kultur Zwischen Winckelmann und Niebuhr
Walter Hinderer
Grounding Fictions: Systematic Skepticism and Critical Doubt 1792–1807
Michael Jennings, Nikolaus Wegmann
Epistemic Strategies in Twentieth-Century German Theatre: Brecht, Weiss, Müller
Michael Jennings
The Archimedean Podium: Public Speeches in Postwar Germany, 1953–1967
Brigid Doherty, Barbara Hahn
Sociability and Its Enemies Political Theory and Literature in West Germany After 1945
Michael Jennings
Medien der Unmittelbarkeit: Dingkonzepte und Wahrnehmungstechniken 1918–1939
Thomas Y. Levin
Ein Unendlicher Dialog: Das Projekt Der Frühromantik In Den Athenaeums-Fragmenten
Barbara Hahn, Arnd Wedemeyer
Explications: Etymology as Language Science, 1822–1941
Michael Jennings, Barbara Hahn
Moving Bodies: Poetic Theatricality in the Late Enlightenment
Barbara Hahn, Arnd Wedemeyer
Word and Image in the Klosterneuburger Evangelienwerk Manuscript and Cultural Contexts for the Vernacular Volume I and II
Michael Curschmann
Gewalt Der Musik Literatur und Musikkritik UM 1800
Thomas Y. Levin
New German Documentary: The Discourse of Personal Non-Fiction in the Age of Media Convergence
Thomas Y. Levin
Acts of Understanding: Spontaneous Subjectivity, Hermeneutic Receptivity, and the Consequences of German Idealism
Stanley Corngold
The Legacy of Chronos: Temporality of Revolution in Culture, Sciences, and Politics
Thomas Y. Levin
Historical Fictions: Representations of Nineteenth-Century Jewish Salons
Barbara Hahn
Reading Riddles: Rhetorics of Obscurity From Romanticism to Freud
Stanley Corngold
The Space Between the Pictures: Photography, Literature, and the Late-Weimar Photo-Essay
Michael Jennings
Gelegenheitsdichtung und Geselligkeitsdichtung an Herzogin Anna Amalias Hof in Weimar und in Tiefurt (1754–1807) I & II
Walter Hinderer
Constellation Nietzsche/Benjamin
Michael Jennings
Written Friendship Hannah Arendt, Brigitte Reimann, Christa Wolf
Barbara Hahn
Forms of Disenchantment: Kant and Neo-Kantianism in the Early Work of Walter Benjamin
Michael Jennings
Motion Sickness: Literatures of Migration and Minority
Barbara Hahn
The Promise and the Body: Marriage in German Literature around 1800
Stanley Corngold
Transformations of the German Novel: Simplicissimus in Eighteenth-century adaptations
Michael Curschmann