Milestone Credit
Internship Milestone Credit

Image taken by SWP participant Jianing Zhao ’20, Berlin, Germany
The internship milestone credit offers students the opportunity to record pre-approved summer internships related to their home department on their transcripts. Requests for the internship milestone credit will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the German Department’s Director of Undergraduate Studies. To qualify, internships must be at least six weeks in length and directly related to the field of German.
To Apply

Image taken by SWP participant and German Major, Magnus Von Ziegesar ’25, Reichstag Dom, Bundestag, Berlin, Germany
To apply, use the Registrar’s application for Internship Milestone Credit. Send your completed application with required attachments to the German Department’s Director of Undergraduate Studies for pre-approval.
After the conclusion of their internship, students will submit a one-two-page report as well as a letter from the internship organization detailing responsibilities and overall performance to the Director of Undergraduate Studies. After this is approved, the Registrar will note the milestone credit on the transcript.
Please Note: The internship milestone program offers academic credit but no course credit. The internship milestone credit cannot be applied towards the satisfaction of University or departmental course requirements.
Students are not required to participate in a summer internship or apply for the credit but may apply for the credit more than once. The program is available to Juniors and to Sophomores who are in the process of declaring German as their major but not available to first-year students. For additional information on the program, see the Office of the Dean of the College’s overview.