Jeffrey Kirkwood *14

Jeffrey West Kirkwood is an Associate Professor in the Department of Art History at Binghamton University on leave as a Senior Fellow in the NOMIS Research Project, “The New Real: Past, Present, and Future of Computation, and the Ecologization of Cultural Techniques” at the Bauhaus University. He is the author of Endless Intervals: Cinema, Psychology, and Semiotechnics around 1900 (Minnesota, 2022) and co-editor of the first English translation of Ernst Kapp’s Elements of a Philosophy of Technology (Minnesota, 2018). Recently, he co-edited the special issue of Critical Inquiry on “Surplus Data” and his writing has appeared in October, Grey Room, Texte zur Kunst, Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung (ZMK), Jacobin, Astra Magazine, OSMOS, and a number of edited collections, including a volume on Posthumanism in the Age of Humanism. He has also been the recipient of fellowships and awards from the Society for the Humanities at Cornell University, the International Research Institute for Cultural Technologies and Media Philosophy (IKKM), the Fulbright Program, and the Harold W. Dodds Fellowship at Princeton University. He is on the advisory board for The Journal of Media Art Study and Theory (MAST) and a member of the Digital Theory Lab at New York University.
Cinema Non Facit Saltus: Early German Film and the Cinematic Psyche
Thomas Y. Levin