Departmental Event

Class Day 2024

May 27, 2024
1:30 pm
Chancellor Green - Upper Hyphen
Congratulations to Class of 2024 with ink illustration of the Princeton Gates

Princeton University illustrated gates.

Students, family, faculty, and friends celebrate the accomplishments of our German majors and certificate holders.

2024 Majors:

William H. Daniels - Neue Ansichten über Bachmanns
Malina im Kontext des weiblichen Bildungsromans
Adviser: Johannes Wankhammer

John Ehling - Schreber, Remixed: Four Adaptations of Denkwürdigkeiten eines Nervenkranken
Adviser: Devin Fore

Kristiana G. Filipov - Only the Gods Are Real,
Mythology and Postmodern Philosophy in Neil Gaiman’s American Gods
Adviser: Barbara Nagel

Thomas Goulding - “Die Bandenführer schreiten daher wie Staatsmänner”: Reading Theories of Bonapartism in Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brecht
Adviser: Hal Foster

Ezra Y. Shin - Two Case Studies in the Cartographicity of Movement
Adviser: Susan Morrow


2024 Certificate Holders:

William Doyle

John Freeman

Katherine Roegner

Audrey Royall