Three Graduate Students get Positions in a Tough Job Market

In 2013–14, three recent German Department PhDs attained academic positions in an extremely competitive job market, continuing the tradition that has secured for the Department the best placement record in its field in the United States.
Timothy J. Attanuci took up a position as Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter affiliated with the Lehrstuhl of Professor Ulirch Breuer in Neuere deutsche Literaturgeschichte at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz in Wintersemester 2014/15. A Lecturer in Princeton’s German Department in AY 2013–14, Attanucci defended his dissertation “Geo-Poetics: Adalbert Stifter, Earth and Life Sciences in the mid-nineteenth century” (co-advised by Joseph Vogl and Nikolaus Wegmann) in 2012.
Christian Jany will take up a position in March 2015 as Postdoktorand affiliated with the Lehrstuhl of Professor Andreas Kilcher in Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft at the ETH Zurich. He defended his dissertation, “Scenographies of Perception: Recasting the Sensuous in Hegel, Novalis, Rilke, Proust” (co-advised by Claudia Brodsky and Brigid Doherty) in January 2015.
Jeffrey W. Kirkwood joined the faculty in the Department of Art History at Binghamton University (SUNY) in a tenure-track position in Fall 2014. Kirkwood spent the academic year 2013–14 on a Harold W. Dodds Fellowship completing his dissertation, “Cinema Non Facit Saltus: Early German Cinema and Experimental Psychology” (advised by Thomas Y. Levin), which he successfully defended in October 2014.