Program now available

Please mark your calendars: the German Department program of lectures, workshops and symposia for the Spring semester 2018, organized by Profs. Thomas Y. Levin and Johannes Wankhammer, has just been announced. Featuring talks by visiting Old Dominion Fellow Prof. Jane Newman (UC Irvine), Prof. Ingrid Christian (Univ. of Chicago), Prof. Rebecca Comay (U. of Toronto), Daniel Weidner (Humboldt Univ./ZfL-Berlin) and Prof. Geoffrey Winthrop-Young (UBC, Vancouver) it also includes a Graduate Student Workshop on the job market, a two-day graduate student seminar on Goethe’s Hermann und Dorothea with Inka Mülder-Bach (Munich/Princeton), Dorothea von Mücke (Columbia) and David E. Wellbery (Chicago), and a day-long symposium on the problems and methods of conceptualizing periods of literary emergence around the world.
Unless otherwise noted, all lectures will take place at 4:30pm in East Pyne 205, will be held in English and are free and Open to the public.