Online Teaching at Universities: Challenges, Opportunities, Strategies

Student entering online course information.
Online teaching at North American colleges and universities is a wave of the future that has already arrived. Graduate students who aspire to faculty positions can expect to be asked to develop and teach online courses; as advisors current faculty may wish to add an understanding of online teaching to their repertoire of professional knowledge. Are online courses really nothing but video recordings of lectures? How do the challenges and opportunities of online teaching differ from those of face-to-face learning? Can best teaching practices be translated into the online environment? These and other questions will be discussed in presentations by three faculty members with PhDs in Germanic Languages and Literatures who have developed and taught online courses. The roundtable format will feature ample time for discussion with the audience
Alison Beringer (PhD German, Princeton), Associate Professor, Montclair State University, New Jersey.
Shane Peterson (PhD Washington University at St Louis), Assistant Professor, Kennesaw State University, Georgia.
Ann Marie Rasmussen (PhD Yale), 2019-2020 Stanley Kelley Jr. Visiting Professor for Distinguished Teaching in German; Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker Memorial Chair in German Literary Studies, University of Waterloo, Ontario