Susman Conference Itinerary-February 2025

Mysticism and Modernism – The World of Margarete Susman

German Department 2025 Graduate Student Conference,

February 21st – 22nd, 2025


Friday, February 21st, 2025. Location: Louis A. Simpson International Building A71

9:00-9:30 am

             Breakfast and Mingling (coffee/tea, breakfast/snacks)


Introductory Remarks by Professor Barbara Nagel, Princeton German Department

9:30 am–9:45 am

             Welcome and Introduction


Panel 1:

9:45-10:10 am

Carolyn Beard, “Women and the Revolution: Margarete Susman and Edith Stein on the Political Woman, 1918-1919”


10:10-10:35 am

Lennart Bentler, “Mystical Experience Through Literature: Essayism as Epistemological and Ethical Inquiry in Susman and Musil”


10:35-11:00 am

Matteo Zupancic, “Robert Musil as a Non-Dual Thinker: A Reassessment of His Approach to Mysticism”


11:00-11:30 am

              Collective Discussion



11:30 am–12:30 pm



Panel 2:

12:30-12:55 pm

Wei Wang, “Colossal Illusion — Problematizing the ‘Beyond’ with Kafka’s Beim Bau der chinesischen Mauer and the Kantian Colossal”


12:55-1:20 pm

Daniel Gottlieb, “‘Now begins its other muteness’: Silence and the ‘Expressionless’ in the politics of Walter Benjamin”


1:20-1:45 pm

Arielle Friend, “Eine im Kern ethische Krankheit: Traumatic Neurosis as ‘Zeichen und Zeugnis’ in Margarete Susman’s Gestalten und Kreise


1:45-2:15 pm

              Collective Discussion



2:15-2:30 pm

              Coffee Break


Keynote Address by Barbara Hahn, Professor Emerita, Vanderbilt University

2:30–4:00 pm

Keynote Lecture, “The Stars, Shrouded: Writing in an Empty World”



6:00 pm

             Dinner at La Mezzaluna (25 Witherspoon St, Princeton)



Mysticism and Modernism – The World of Margarete Susman: Day Two

Saturday, February 22nd, 2025. Location: East Pyne 205

9:00-9:30 am

             Breakfast and Mingling (coffee/tea, breakfast/snacks)


Workshop with Professor Nitzan Lebovic, Lehigh University History Department,

9:30-11:00 am

             Lecture and Workshop, “A German-Jewish Time: Susman, Buber, Celan”



11:00-11:15 am

             Coffee Break


Panel 3:

11:15-11:40 am

Mitchell Bedows, “The Legitimacy of Tradition in Susman and Arendt”


11:40 am-12:05 pm

Fabia Weisser, “Souls in Secular Times - Alfred Rosenberg’s ‘Rassenseele’”


12:05-12:30 pm

Paula Domingo Pasarin, “‘Our barbarian Slavic God:’ Ivanov’s Nietzschean Dionysianism”


12:30-1:00 pm

             Collective Discussion



1:00-2:00 pm



Panel 4:

2:00-2:25 pm

Jeremiah Young, “Aurora to Aura: Jakob Böhme, Kabbalah, and spatial affect in Benjamin’s aesthetics”


2:25-2:50 pm

Thomas Heubeck, “Last Resort or Irrational Confusion? Margarete Susman’s and Walter Benjamin’s Perspectives on Religion of Art”


2:50-3:20 pm

             Collective Discussion


Official Farewell

3:20-3:35 pm
