Rider, Reader, Soldier, Horse. Reinhart Koselleck & the End of the Equestrian Era

Napoleon Crossing the Alps. Painting by Jacques-Louis David
Images of the long 19th Century. The Polish Rider or The Closing of the Horse Era
Ulrich Raulff studied philosophy and history. Doctorate in Marburg (1977)and Habilitation at the Humboldt University of Berlin (1995). Since 1994, editor in the features section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung; since 1997, head of literature. Since 2001, senior editor with the features section of the Süddeutsche Zeitung. In the summer of 1996 Raulff a Fellow at the Getty Research Institute in Santa Monica (USA), in winter 2003/2004 Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study in Berlin. Since November 2004, Director of the German Literature Archive in Marbach and since November 2005 Member of the Presidium of the Goethe Institute. Winner of the Anna Krüger Prize of the Institute for Advanced Study in Berlin for nonfiction writing (1996), Hans-Reimer Award of Aby Warburg Foundation in Hamburg (1997) and the Prize of the Leipzig Book Fair 2010 (nonfiction).
Selected Publications
“A historian of the 20th Marc Bloch century. “ Frankfurt / M, 1995, “The invisible moment. Concepts of time “in history. Göttingen 1999, “Wild energy. Four attempts to Aby Warburg, “Göttingen 2003rd Many translations, especially from French, including works by Michel Foucault, Jean Starobinski and Lucien Febvre. Publishers of texts Aby Warburg, Frederick and Hans Delbrück Gundolf, 1988–1993 Publication of the “little Cultural Studies library ‘(publisher Klaus Wagenbach), 1991 to 1993» Edition Pandora “(together with Helga Raulff, Routledge). Editor of “Letters from the 20th Century “(with A. Bernard), Frankfurt / M.: 2005, editors of” state by the artist. Aesthetic and political utopias, “Munich: Hanser, 2006;” circle without a master. Stefan George’s afterlife, “Munich: CH Beck, 2009.
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