Graduate Exam

German Language Reading Proficiency Exam for Graduate Students

Princeton center for languages event room with people sitting at table in a discussion

Princeton Center For Language Studies EPyne 011

The Department of German will offer a test of reading proficiency in German for Graduate Students on Wednesday, 8 November 2023 between noon and midnight (12:00 pm-12:00 pm).

Send name, email address, departmental affiliation, and requested exam topic area* to Jamie Rankin by Wednesday, November 1, 2023.

PCLS Graduate Reading Proficiency Testing


* Topic Areas:

Art & Archaeology: Max Beckmann, Andrea Mantegna, Gerhard Richter, Robert Campin, Merzkunst, Delos lions, Holbein

Architecture: Gropius

Classics: Sophocles: Oedipus, Augustine, Bucolic tradition

Comparative literature: theory: comedy

EAS: Hirohito/WWII, “No” theater

English: Shakespeare, 19th c. American literature

German: Parzival, Kleist. Freud, Hegel/Marx, Frisch/Dürrenmatt

Music: pre-modal notation systems, canons in Old Dutch music, Schubert

NES: Islamic law, Ottoman empire

Politics: Weimar, USA/Iraq

Religion: Augustine, Christian education, Job, Liberation theology, Mark, Missions, Rabbinic Judaism, Tillich

Sociology: sports studies, time/work, social history of mathematics

Spanish & Portuguese: Golden Age