Sigrid Weigel (ZfL Berlin) spending the semester in the Princeton German Department

Sigrid Weigel in Berlin and Permanent Visiting Professor in the German Department at Princeton, is once again spending a semester at Princeton. One of the world’s leading Warburg scholars and the co-editor of a recently published massive one-volume ( this semester entitled “Aby Warburg and the History of Science around 1900) entitled “Reading Faces - Methods of Deciphering in Literature, Sciences and Art,” undertakes a genealogy and archeology of methods of deciphering through the study of textual sources from literature, art theory, psychology, evolutionary and critical theory, and visual images from portraiture, photography, film, and science. Weigel’s 2008 monograph on Walter Benjamin was recently published in an English translation by Chadwick Truscott Smit as ( While in Princeton she is also completing her latest book Grammatologie der Bilder.