Study with the Leading German Film Scholar in the World, Professor Dr. Gertrud Koch

Professor Dr. Gertrud Koch, Emerita
Prof. Dr. Gertrud Koch. Professor emerita for Cinema Studies at Freie Universität Berlin, visiting professor at Brown University (2013-2023), and Professor II at Oslo university. Currently vivisting professor at Leuphana-Universität in Lüneburg. Numerous stays as research fellow and visiting professor (NYU, Columbia, Berkeley, Tel Aviv University, Getty Research Center in Los Angeles et al.) She was director of the reserach center „Aesthetic experience in the sign of the entanglement of the arts“ in Berlin from 2006-2014.
She is author of numeorus monographies, including Herbert Marcuse zur Einführung ( Hauke Brunkhorst), Hamburg 1987; “Was ich erbeute, sind Bilder”. Zur filmischen Repräsentation der Geschlechterdifferenz, Frankfurt a.M. 1988; Die Einstellung ist die Einstellung. Zur visuellen Konstruktion des Judentums, Frankfurt a.M. 1992; Siegfried Kracauer zur Einführung, Hamburg 1996, english edition from Pricneton University Press; Breaking Bad, Berlin 2015, english edition: Breaking Out, Breaking Bad, Breaking even, Dipahanes 2017; Die Wiederkehr der Illusion. Film und die Künste, der Gegenwart, Berlin 2016; Zwischen Raubtier und Chamäleon. Texte zu Film, Medien, Kunst und Kultur, hg. von Judith Keilbach und Thomas Morsch, München 2016.
Co-Editor and on the board of numeorus German and international reviews (October, Constellation, Philosophy & Social Criticism, Cinema&Cie, New Benjamin Studies, Journal for Adorno Studies et al.)
Currently preparing a book on technoaesthetics and animation.