Janice Cheon

Janice Cheon, Class of 2020
What is your favorite memory from a German class?
When Johannes had us read Hugo Ball and Kurt Schwitters’ sound poetry out loud in GER 209, sophomore fall. Little did I know that I’d end up writing a thesis on Dada two years later!
Where is your favorite place to study on campus?
My (decorated) Marquand carrel.
What is your favorite restaurant in town?
Winberies (happy hour specifically).
What are your post-graduation plans?
I’ll be pursuing an MSt in Medieval and Modern Languages (still sticking to German, don’t worry) at the University of Oxford with the support of the Mica and Ahmet Ertegun Humanities Graduate Scholarship Program.
What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?
Hopefully still in academia. I will most likely still be in school in a yet-to-be-determined humanities field at a yet-to-be-determined doctorate program….
What was your best class at Princeton and why?
Very, very close draw between MUS359: “Sound Cultures”, taught by Gavin Steingo from my junior spring, and GER 404 with Sally and Ann-Marie last semester. “Sound Cultures” was an eye (or should I say ear?) -opening class on combating our ocularcentrism in music, critical theory, and other disciplines. Gavin is a very discerning scholar who was eager to support my interdisciplinary interests inside and outside of the seminar. Similarly, Sally and Ann Marie’s class on Frauenliteratur was integral in helping me better formulate what I want to do with my scholarship, especially at a crucial juncture of my Princeton career during grad school and fellowship applications. They are both amazing mentors and super sharp scholars. I was incredibly lucky to have such close and personal conversations with both of them in a seminar of only four people—the smallest class I’ve ever been in at Princeton!
What will you miss most about Princeton?
I’ll miss the incredible support and camaraderie of this department and the resources in the libraries and art museum (not to mention our perpetually stocked Nespresso machine). I’ll also miss the collaborations between PCMS and the German Department. :(