Welcome Assistant Professor Susan Morrow

Assistant Professor Susan Morrow in the East Pyne Courtyard. 2022 -Image by Ed Sikorski
The German department is pleased to welcome Assistant Professor Susan Morrow to the German department faculty. Prior to joining Princeton, Prof. Morrow was a postdoctoral fellow at the Universität Potsdam (Department of Philosophy and Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy) and the Leibniz Center for Literary and Cultural Research (ZfL) Berlin (History of Theory Research Area). She has previously taught at Yale University (Department of German) and the Freie Universität Berlin (Department of Comparative Literature). She received her Ph.D. in German from Yale in 2019.
This fall Prof. Morrow will be teaching GER 207 “Studies in German Language and Style: Society, Politics and Culture 1890-1945” (Taught in German), and GER 305 “Topics in German Poetry: German Lyric Poetry: An Introduction” (Taught in English. Prerequisite GER 101 (Beginner’s German I) or permission of instructor.)