Jaclyn Hovsmith

Jaclyn Hovsmith, Class of 2020
What is your favorite memory from a German class?
Climbing the German Alps during Princeton-in-Münich while discussing das Erhabene. Experiencing the sublime while talking about it was a moment I’ll never forget!
Where is your favorite place to study on campus?
I’m a Frist second-floor studier! It’s quiet but if you want coffee or to see friends you can quickly pop down to the first floor.
What is your favorite restaurant in town?
Masa Sushi! All-you-can-eat is always the way to go.
What are your post-graduation plans?
I’m still working on those! But I hope to do something in tech, ideally relocating to Washington D.C.
What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?
Hmmm, I’m not sure about that either. Hopefully in a job with positive community impact, and maybe fostering a dog or two.
What was your best class at Princeton and why?
My favorite class at Princeton was “How to Think with Performance” with Professor Judith Hamera. It was my first experience with poststructuralism, and definitely changed the way I view the world.
What will you miss most about Princeton?
This is a cheesy answer, but I will really miss all the people I’ve met over the last four years, from friends to professors to mentors. The people really do make the place.