On Hesitation
In Defense of Speed: A Non-Hermeneutical Approach to Fast Forward Media Techniques
Literature and the Language of Immunology
On Schlusskraft: Kleist and the End of the 18th Century
Exiled Writers in Princeton 1933–1945: Cultural Transfer and Dialogue
Schrift: Writing & Image-Character in the Work of Walter Benjamin
Technologies of the Self: Mood Management circa 1800
Persecution and the Art of Writing: Spinoza to Strauss
Keine Schlachtbeschreibung: Peter Handke’s Yugoslavian Poetics of Delay, Detour, and Repetition
Plautus in der Wunderkammer: Szenographien um 1770
Vertiginous Life: Goethe, Bones, and Italy
Rusty Rails & Parallel Tracks
Workshop mit Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftlern aus Münster/Siegen und Princeton/Penn
Topologies of Reading
Extrinsic Curvature: On the Topology of 19th Century Narrative Prose
Carl Schmitt’s Defense of Democracy
Spring Open House
Freud on the Court: Child Pornography Law & Super Ego Construction
Rider, Reader, Soldier, Horse. Reinhart Koselleck & the End of the Equestrian Era
Spatial Elusions. On Datamoshing as Narrative Form
Spaces of Media
On Shallow Interpretation
Media Histories: Epistemology, Materiality, Temporality
Inverse versus Dialectical Theology (Adorno, Horkheimer, Barth)
Rhetorics of Religion in German, 1900–1950