Spring 2018 Graduate Student Symposium
How Literatures Begin: A Comparative Approach to Problems and Methods
Superstition and Magic in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods
The Magical and Superstitious Past as a Foreign Country
Hanne Darboven’s Address – Place and Time
To / From: Hanne Darboven and Sol LeWitt
A Baroque Tale of Male Erasure
End of Year Reception
Summer Sessions Begins
Class Day
Synesthesia Of Law – An International and Trans-Disciplinary Conference
Johann Friedrich Cotta: Publisher-Statesman-Entrepreneur
Goethe’s Autograph Collection/Goethe’s Hands
Alexander Kluge: A Narration
Inversion: On Some Poetics and Politics in the Discourse of the Sublime
The Great War and the Ancient World
manheit. Impressions of Risk in Medieval Literature
A Full Measure: Hölderlin and the Poetics of Madness
The Fetters of Myth and How to Get Out of Them. Thoughts on Schelling’s Late Philosophy
Alternative Facts: Hölderlin’s Hyperion and the Origins of Neoliberalism
Philosophy’s Magic Lantern: Technologies of Nature in the Early Enlightenment
Media Philology
Spring Open House
Spring 2017 Graduate Student Symposium
New Media and Modified Psychoanalytic Settings: Social Changes and Their Impact on Transference
Speech Unbound. Prose and the Problem of Form
“So horribly natural”: Portrait and Poetics in Wieland and Radcliffe
In love, out of love, in love again – Stanley Cavell’s Praise of Remarriage
Kant, Quantified. The Mechanics of Kant’s Humanism
Flirtations: Rhetoric and Aesthetics This Side of Seduction
Straying: The Drift of History in Walter Benjamin’s Moscow Diary
Nemesis, Göttin des Masses (Nemesis, Goddess of Measure)
Ex Tempore: Celan, Rilke and Apollinaire among the Autumn Crocuses
Hendrik Blumentrath
Grand Harmonie Presents: Beethoven’s Fidelio
Thinking with Medieval Thought
Calendricality: Political Temporalities in the German 1970’s
Financial Governance
Poetic Dimensions of Language: Roman Jakobson Revisited
Tragic entrance. Nietzsche’s “Die Geburt der Tragödie” in the light of its predecessors
Visiocracy and Grammatology of Images: Making Images of the A-Visible
The Polyfunctionality of Script in the Medieval Badge Corpus
Textiles in Medieval German Literature
A Reconstruction: Gruppe 47 in Princeton, 1966
Re-politicizing Walter Benjamin, the Last European
Audile Scarification. Notes on Opacity and Audition
Re:sources of Literature and Knowledge
Roundtable Discussion of Controversial Berlin Memorial Installation
Friedrich Kittler and the ‘Misuse of Military Equipment’: On the Situation of an Expression 1964 / 1984 / 2014
A House Of One’s Own’: Perspektiven des Literaturhausmodells
Heidegger’s Schwarze Hefte
The Weight of All Flesh: On the Subject-Matter of Political Economy
Before Documentary: Ornament and Knowledge in Soviet Factography
What Was World Literature? Early Modern Theories of Translation and the German Language
Spring 2015 Graduate Student Symposium
Aesthetic Experience and Pietistic Spirituality between True Christianity and the Beautiful Soul
How to Modernize Hermeneutics? : Readings of Rilke’s Late Poems
The New German Question
Shadow-Writing. W.G. Sebald and Photography
Hieroglyphs: A Workshop on Robert Musil’s “The Man Without Qualities”
Fore and Levin to Engage in Discussion of New Book by Stefan Andriopoulos
Fall 2013 Graduate Student Symposium
Transformation and Truth: Goethe, Lévi-Strauss, and the Science of the Concrete
Mysticism & Confessional Conflict in Post-Reformation Germany: The Mystical Theology of Valentin Weigel (1533–1588)
Novalis and the Absolute of Attraction
An Encyclopedia of Organs: Judgment and Genre in Romantic Metaphysics
Immanuel Kant’s Political Economy or the Aporia of Equality
Twice Read Love Letters: The Ambiguities of Epistolary Violence in Fontane and Kafka
Resourcing the Rite
Jennings & Foster to discuss the life of Walter Benjamin at Labyrinth Books
Poetic Obscurity and the Philology of the Flesh: Celan, Gadamer, and Dickinson
Spring 2014 Graduate Student Symposium
Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis: A Bug’s Life
Self-Reflections in the work of Heinrich von Morungen
Historia Magistra Vitae: Exemplum and Anecdote, Koselleck & Kleist
The Transnationalization of Democracy: A European Experiment
Recent Work
On Roland Barthes’ “The Preparation of the Novel”
New German Cinemas
The Frankfurt School
Young Pines
Avantgardism in a Different Key: The Case of Karl Kraus’s The Last Days of Mankind
Of Miracles
Hölderlin and Sophocles
Galileo (1975)
Gehauen nicht und nicht gestochen: Kleistian Masochism
Literal Folly: Kleist’s Krug and the Comedic Tradition
Theorizing Surveillance
The Aesthetic Turn: A New Concept of ‘Theory of Art’
The Specificity of Aesthetic Theory
How We Learn Where We Live: Thomas Bernhard and the Architectural Debates of the 1960s
Fellow Men: Fantin-Latour and the Problem of the Group in 19th-century French Painting
Spring 2013 Graduate Student Symposium
The Voracious Cannibal. A Medieval Thought Experiment and Its Methodological Function
Eine andere Zeit. Haunting Rhythm in German Realism
The Rhythm of Learning