Justifying Democracy: Between Celan’s Nichts and Arguedas’s kachkaniraqkun
Vanessa Gubbins, Cornell University
Politics Beyond Citizenship: Blackness and Jewishness (in Contemporary Germany) Now
“What can I hope?”: Race, Abyssal Aesthetics, and the Failure of Beauty
Zoom Open House: Doctoral Fellowships in German Studies at Princeton University
Ghosts and Guests in the Machine: Animism and Technology
Advocating for and Strengthening Language Programs
(De)Colonial Language Politics: Creolizing Poetics in Hans Grimm and Sharon Dodua Otoo
Cyrill’s Mutter: Marianne Fritz’s Last Work
Mercurial Mediterraneans: Nation, Narration, and Migration from Däubler to Erpenbeck
Rethinking Heimat and Trauma: Meral Kureyshi’s Elefanten im Garten and Mehrnousch Zaeri-Esfahani’s 33 Bogen und ein Teehaus
Gender and the Genres of Postwar Memory Culture: Novels of Domestic Decay from Haus ohne Hüter to Altes Land
There is a crack in everything. Introduction to the Frankfurt School, Critical Theory and Negative Dialectics. 1st Reading.
Mysticism & Modernism: The World of Margarete Susman
There is a crack in everything. Introduction to the Frankfurt School, Critical Theory and Negative Dialectics. 2nd Reading.
There is a crack in everything. Introduction to the Frankfurt School, Critical Theory and Negative Dialectics. 3rd Reading.
Sounds in Wax: Musicology, Linguistics, and the World as a Resource
Viktoria Tkaczyk
North American Medieval and Early Modern German Studies Graduate Colloquium 2023
Thomas Mann: Democracy Will Win!
Ideologies of Economy. Narrative Subversion in German Poetic Realism
Thomas Mann’s Princeton Exile
Arriving in the Present:
Transcultural Perspectives in Contemporary German-Speaking Contexts—A Reading Group
Visit the Tenement Museum to be part of the enduring stories of the immigrant and migrant experience in 19th and early 20th century New York City!
“Blackness and the Civilizing of Interwar Germany.”
Arriving in the Present: Transcultural Perspectives in Contemporary German-Speaking Contexts—A Reading Group
The Glass is Half-Full: An Optimistic Academic Career Outlook for German Studies PhDs in U.S. Higher Education
Berlin Consortium for German Studies Virtual Info Session
Goethe’s Philosophical Lexicon
Goethe’s Letters
Sophomore Open House - April 10, 2024
The concentration declaration period for Spring 2024 is March 28-April 15, 2024
Aby Warburg’s Ninfa: Leitmotif, Transformation, Afterlife, Reception
Arriving in the Present: A Critical Lexicon for Multilingualism and (Post-)Migration in Contemporary German Studies
Class Day 2024
Media Subjects: How Does Media Address the Individual?
“Future Auditions: Gramophonic Voice Letters and the Inscription of the Absent Other”
Ahasver, the Wandering Jew: Between History and Literature
“A Short Story about a Jew Named Ahasverus”: Re-reading the 1602 Pamphlet that Gave Birth to the Legend of the Wandering Jew
Cancelled - “Untying Things Together”
The Epidemic Sublime: Reflections on the Representation of Collective Suffering
The image of the roi thaumaturge in Kleist and Gros
Getting to the Point. Genealogies of the Analog Code
Hardware, Everywhere.
An Invitation to a New Field of Media Materialism
Romanticism and the Material Fragment
“Paper, Speaking for Itself. Helmina von Chézy’s Belated It-Narrative.”
The Kid’s Aren’t Alright: Afro-German Afrofuturism and the Fight for Futurity
What is the Future of (Black) German Studies?
Transistors. Mediating Migration
Marseille – A kaleidoscope of global diaspora then and now
“Europe raped your mother:” The De/Colonialization of Medea (Grillparzer – Jahnn – Jones)
Auerbach’s Vico in Translation. A Symposium with Jane O. Newman (UC Irvine) and Ron Sadan (Princeton University)
Toward a History of Waiting: Social Hierarchy and Architecture
History’s Futures, History’s Pasts: Thinking with Reinhart Koselleck
HARUN FAROCKI - Rare Early Films on Architecture - A Free Public Screening
Spatial Operations. Harun Farocki and Architecture
Assembling and Disassembling. Working with the Farocki Institut’s Archive
Sophomore Open House
The concentration declaration period for Spring 2023 is March 30-April 17, 2023.
Admitted Student Visit
Nexus/Zusammenhang: Rethinking Interconnectivity
Der Rosenkavalier
Epistemological Reconfigurations in Queer German Cinema
Queer Orientations: Auf der Anderen Seite and Große Freiheit
Psychoanalysis and its Discontents: Reality, Media, and the Subject
Negative Anthropology: Shakespeare, Sophocles, Freud
Class Day 2023
“Composition!”: On Parts and Wholes in Poetics (ca. 1800)
Idyll and Utopia
Realität ist schlichtweg das Unverdächtige: On Blumenberg and Critical Affect
Critical affects: Suspicion and its others in the ‘Post-critical turn’
Apprenticeships as Experiments of Form. Configurations of Possibility in the Novel around 1800
Information Session
Near Eastern Studies Lecture
From Compilation to Indexing: Tracing the Practice of Early Modern Orientalist Scholarship
After 1989, or a Modernist Poetics of History?
The Automated Condition. Manifestations and Narratives in Art, Literature and Culture
Class Day 2022
Reading Benjamin Politically. The Historical Materialist
Blumenberg’s Moment
Summer Work Program Information Session
Threshold-Language: Paul Celan, Parmenides
A System of Scars:
Adorno and Klein on Ego Integration
Conversation with Anne Anlin Cheng on Ornamentalism
German Department Sophomore Open House
2019 Academic Expo
Department Breakfast
Welcome Back Reception
“A monster in its breadth and length”: Schiller’s Wallenstein and the Poetics of Scale, 1798–2007
Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers, and the Nobel Prize: Examining the Archival Record
Writing Prose: Narrative Forms and Social Communication in Goethe’s Unterhaltungen deutscher Ausgewanderten
SWP 2020 Information Session
An Evening of Beethoven’s Chamber Music
A Historiography of the Trend
Places of Remembrance
Adorno, Aesthetic Negativity, and the Problem of Idealism
Music from Theresienstadt [Terezín]
Storyworlds: Open-ended Story Universes Across Time, Cultures, and Media
“1809: A Genealogy of the Present”
Online Teaching at Universities: Challenges, Opportunities, Strategies